Mono is a portable and open source implementation of the .NET framework for Unix, Windows, MacOS and other operating systems.
Mono 2.10.7 was used mostly as a vehicle to test the upcoming Gtk+ stack on MacOS X and was released on December 6th, a complete release for Windows and Linux will be published on December 13th.
Mono 2.10.7 is a minor update to Mono 2.10, Mono 2.10.1, Mono 2.10.2, Mono 2.10.3, 2.10.4, 2.10.5 and 2.10.6.
Table of contents |
MacOS Updates
This release bundles the new version of Gtk+ 2 that has been fine tuned for MacOS X and fixes hundreds of problems that have been reported by users of MonoDevelop on Mac. In addition, it adds support for Lion's Smooth Scrolling.
- Updated the Task Parallel Library to include the latest fixes from our main development branch.
- SQLiteConnection can now set the threading mode (Xamarin #652)
- Improved the debugger protocol to speed up debugging and value lookup
- Added basic support for MSBuild 4.0 (Leszek Ciesielski, Paul Selormey)
- NuGet now runs on Mono
- Phalanger 3.0 now runs with Mono
- Adds support for some Azure libraries
- Added support for bundling profilers in a static binary
- The profiler can now log its data to any file descriptor (for over-the-net profile logging)
- SGen now has native support for object systems that implement ToggleRefs
- Mobile Profile now contains System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles
- Added PerformanceCounters for JIT statistics
- Add support for Android CPU count.
- HashSet<T> can now be serialized (Neale Ferguson)
Bug Fixes
- The --profile loader will now work on MacOS X without setting any environment variables
- Fixes slow start on threads (Xamarin #1036)
- Fixed the SGen interaction between weak references and ephemerons
- Fixes --profile=log on x64 systems (Xamarin #971)
- Fixes crash on some debugging configurations (Xamarin #1093)
- Fixes timezone race condition (Xamarin #1055)
- Fixes SendAsync reporting the wrong number of bytes sent (Xamarin #531)
- Plug a managed leak in the ASP.NET stack (HttpResponse)
- Fix an infinite loop in Path.GetTempFileName
- Fixes Soap12 message serialisation incorrect for ReplyTo header value (Xamarin #1244)
- Linked away exception on AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne() on device (Xamarin #1144)
- Fixed MonoDoc to avoid loading the same documentation more than once (fixes MonoDoc browser)
- Fixes regression in System.Diagnostics.Process.PrivateMemorySize64 (Xamarin #1459)
- ASP.NET fix for WebResource.axd and hashes containing /
- ServiceModel now allows https endpoints (Xamarin #1203)
- ServiceModel now allow requests with no headers (Xamarin #1205 and #1207 by Mario Kosmiskaso)
- Fix for WebOperationContext.IncomingResponse (Xamarin #1209 by Mario Kosmiskaso)
- Fix for propagating operation context (Xamarin #1210 by Mario Kosmiskaso)
- Fix WebConnectionStream to return the correct length for input streams
- Fix serialization reader (Xamarin #1462)
- Various fixes to System.IO.Packaging
- mono-service now passes the command line arguments to the services
- Alternate path separator on Unix improves compatibility with Windows software
- Fixes xsi:nil handling (Xamarin #1198)
- Fixes hang caused by gdb attaching to the wrong process when Mono hard-crashes
- Fixes the handling of XmlSchemaFrom importing, which is exposed by WebSphere WSDL tools
- Fixes crash on inlined code that contained some patterns of exception throwing (Xamarin #1835)
- Fixes monotonic clock on OSX and iOS (Xamarin #1366)
- Fixes leak in Process class if WaitForExit was not called (Xamarin #1682)
- Fixes typo in ASP.NET's SQLServer SessionState
- Fixes marshaling of IPv6 addresses in Win32
- Fixes race in ServiceModel.Logger
- Fixes string truncation in Tds protocol (Xamarin #1916, Neale Ferguson)
- Fixes System.Data DataView sorting
- Fixes Debug information for dynamic methods (Novell #731579)
- On Android, stdout/stderr become the logcat
- Fixes ConditionalWeakTable behavior with SGen (Xamarin #1175)
- Fixes SIGSEGV during GC when write barrier is set to cardtable (Xamarin #1917)
- Added JSonSerializer support for nullables (Xamarin #163)
- Fixes deadlock on SDB (Xamarin #2190)
- Fixes heuristics for inserting breakpoints (Xamarin #407)
- Fixes Array.Containsfor null items via ICollection<T> (Xamarin #2260)
- Fixes scanning of complex values in SGen (Xamarin #228)
- Fixes assignability of arrays with generic interfaces (Xamarin #2304)
- Fixes FullAOT support for iterating Linq.OrderedEnumerable (Xamarin #2155)
Mobile Profile Fixes
- Xamarin 233: support commit/rollback/update events in iOS/Sqlite
- Xamarin 154: Support Dispose on BinaryReader on the Mobile Profile
- SGen bridge processing is now a two-step process (used for Mono/Android)
- Xamarin 1999: all threads are now wrapped in NSAutoreleasePools.