Versions of .NET

Release 3.0.12

  • Released on 2013-06-18

Release notes


What's new

Added PCL support to xbuild, mono's MSBuild implementation.

Fixed multiple hangs that happen during shutdown or appdomain unload

Merged most of the ARM support for NaCl

mkbundle now uses IKVM.Reflection

Mono is now compatible with OSX 10.9


  • 5904 - Fix incorrect end-of-stream with null callback.

  • 10887 - Handle shifts by multiple of 32 correctly.

  • 11945 - Better handle default value BigInteger.

  • 12329 - Properly handle csc when AOT code using the async keyword

  • 12342 - Implement Task::AsyncWaitHandle

  • 12349 - Keep cancellation token for all running requests.

  • 12361 - Resolve unreachable block with correct flow settings.

  • 12394 - Older versions of iOS don't have pthread_mutexattr_setpolicy_np

  • 12412 - Fix support for dynamic methods in collect_method_images ().

  • 12429 - Use a different function for emitting write barriers for gsharedvt types which can handle reference types too.

  • 12446 - Run YieldAwaitable tests on default synchronization context.

  • 12461 - Make sure the behavior between GetFiles and EnumerateFiles are the same regarding symlinks.

  • 12493 - Fix random unit test failures on the bots

  • 12494 - Keep the exception object alive during debugger suspensions.

  • 12509 - Clear ss_invoke_addr when stopping single stepping so runtime invokes don't stop single stepping.

  • 12541 - Use the proper value to calculate whenever to do a near call on amd64.

  • 12549 - Keep hoisted this when lambda parent is async lambda.

  • 12568 - Check class level type parameters used in explicit delegate parameters conversion.

  • 12572 - Correct encoding transformation flags for type arguments arrays without dynamic element.

  • 12583 - Resolve switch cases without look aheah look-up.

  • 12611 - Mark MonoCMethod (runtime subclass of ConstructorInfo) as serializable.

  • 12655 - Make the MONO_DISABLE_SHARED_AREA env variable actually work.